Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 1

Critical Bleeding Massive Transfusion


© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

Printed document
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney-General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at
ISBN Print: 978-0-9775298-5-8

Electronic document
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ISBN Online: 978-0-9775298-6-5

For further information:
Patient Blood Management Guidelines
National Blood Authority
Locked Bag 8430
Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone: +61 2 6151 5000
Web site:

Publication Approval

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These guidelines were approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on Friday 12th November 2010, under Section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. In approving these guidelines the NHMRC considers that they meet the NHMRC standard for clinical practice guidelines in that they are based on the systematic identification and synthesis of the best available scientific evidence and make clear recommendations for health professionals practising in an Australian health care setting. The NHMRC expects that all guidelines will be reviewed no less than once every five years.
This publication reflects the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Australian Government.

Patient Blood Management Guidelines:
Module 1 – Critical Bleeding /Massive Transfusion

Development of this module was achieved through clinical input and expertise of representatives from the Colleges and Societies listed below and an independent consumer advocate (see Appendix A).The National Blood Authority gratefully acknowledges these contributions.

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion
Australian Orthopaedic Association
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Royal College of Nursing Australia
Royal College of Pathologists of AustralasiaThalassaemia Australia

College and Society endorsement of this Module can be found at

This document is a general guide to appropriate practice, to be followed subject to the circumstances, clinician’s judgement and patient’s preferences in each individual case. It is designed to provide information to assist decision making. Recommendations contained herein are based on the best available evidence published up to July 2009. The relevance and appropriateness of the information and recommendations in this document depend on the individual circumstances. Moreover, the recommendations and guidelines are subject to change over time.

Each of the parties involved in developing this document expressly disclaims and accepts no responsibility for any undesirable consequences arising from relying on the information or recommendations contained herein.

Funding and project management

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Funding, Secretariat and Project Management was provided by the National Blood Authority Australia.The development of the final recommendations has not been influenced by the views or interests of the funding body.
Technical Editing by Cadman Editing Services Canberra.