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5.6  Consultants

In 2006–07, seven new consultancy contracts were entered into, which involved total actual expenditure of $357,781 (GST inclusive). Eight ongoing consultancy contracts were active in 2006–07 and resulted in total actual expenditure of $224,585 (GST inclusive).

The selection of consultants and approval of expenditure complied with Chief Executive's Instructions, management instructions and key business processes and adhered to the principles of the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines and Best Practice Guidance.

A suite of standard form contracts have been developed for consultancies and, where necessary, are modified to suit individual circumstances.

Table 14 shows total expenditure on all consultancy services by year, covering both new contracts let in the applicable year and ongoing contracts let in previous years.

Table 14:   Total expenditure on consultancy services from 2004–05 to 2006–07

Table 14: Total expenditure on consultancy services from 2004–05 to 2006–07

Table 15 provides details of consultancy contracts let by the National Blood Authority in 2006–07. It also includes the total value of the contract over its entire life. Contracts with a value of less than $10,000 have not been included in line with the annual reporting requirements set down by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. All figures are GST inclusive.

Table 15:   Consultancy services let in 2006–07 of $10,000 or more

Table 14: Total expenditure on consultancy services from 2004–05 to 2006–07

  1. Explanation of selection process terms
    • Open tender: A procurement procedure in which a request for tender is published inviting all businesses that satisfy the conditions for participation to submit tenders.
    • Select tender: A procurement procedure in which the procuring agency selects which potential suppliers are invited to submit tenders in accordance with the mandatory procurement procedures.
    • Direct sourcing: A procurement process, available only under certain defined circumstances, in which an agency may contact a single potential supplier or suppliers of its choice and for which conditions for direct sourcing apply under the mandatory procurement procedures.
  2. Justification for decision to use consultancy
    1. A—Requirement for specialist expertise not available within the National Blood Authority.
    2. B—Requirement for independent assessment of research considered desirable.

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