3.1 Outcome performance report

The National Blood Authority’s (NBA) performance is reported against the Agency Outcome and Output Group reported in the Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget Statements 2007–08.

Table 3.1 shows an extract from these budget statements to highlight key performance indicators and specific activities for the NBA in 2007–08.

NBA’s outcome — ‘Australia’s blood supply is secure and well managed.’

Table 3.1 Extract of NBA key performance indicators reported in the Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget Statements 2007–08

Performance Information for Administered Programs
Indicator Measured by Reference Point or Target
Administered Funding – National Blood Authority
Informed decisions on the quality of use and demand for blood and blood services. The implementation of an operational system to provide accurate and timely data. Operational system implemented by June 2008.
Performance Information for Departmental Outputs
Indicator Measured by Reference Point or Target
Output Group 1 – Meet product demand through effective planning and the management of supply arrangements
Efficient management and coordination of Australia’s blood supply in accordance with the National Blood Agreement between the Australian Government, State and Territory Governments. The level of satisfaction of all funding jurisdictions on the planning, management and coordination of the blood supply. A high level of satisfaction from all funding jurisdictions.

Product available meets jurisdictional identified clinical needs.

The NBA uses contestability and expertise to drive improvements in product prices and product quality. Product price and quality. New product prices favourable in real terms with previous prices and compared to available international benchmarks. Stakeholders satisfied that product quality improving.
Agreed risk management/mitigation plans in place for the security of supply with the blood sector and the supply of most products is secure and exceptions managed effectively. The NBA accurately predicts demand for the supply of blood and blood related products. The NBA predictions are within a 5% variance of total National Administered Budget and/or less than the variance of the previous year.

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