Fraud Control

The Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines require agencies to conduct a fraud risk assessment and develop a fraud control plan every two years. The NBA updated its fraud risk assessment in 2013-14.

Fraud awareness training was conducted with NBA staff during 2013-14.

Under the current fraud control plan, the NBA continually monitors accountability and control frameworks to meet the specific needs of the agency, and ensures that it complies with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines.

No instances of fraud were detected during the reporting year.

Certification of fraud control arrangements

I, Leigh McJames, certify that I am satisfied that for 2013–14, the National Blood Authority has:

  • prepared appropriate fraud risk assessments and a fraud control plan that complies with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines
  • appropriate fraud prevention, detection, investigation, reporting and data collection procedures and processes in place that meet the specific needs of the NBA
  • taken all reasonable measures to minimise the incidence of fraud in the NBA and to investigate and recover the proceeds of fraud against the NBA.

Leigh McJames' Signature

Leigh McJames
General Manager
National Blood Authority