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Annual Performance Reporting Statement

Accountable Authority statement

I, as the accountable authority of the National Blood Authority, present the 2016-17 Annual Performance Statements of the National Blood Authority, as required under paragraph 39(1)(a) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). In my opinion, these annual performance statements are based on properly maintained records, accurately reflect the performance of the entity, and comply with subsection 39(2) of the PGPA Act.

John Cahill
Chief Executive
National Blood Authority

Introductory statement

The enhanced Commonwealth performance framework1 newly established under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 requires a Commonwealth entity such as the National Blood Authority to include an annual performance statement in its annual report.

The purpose of the annual performance statement, as a key element of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, is to explain the extent to which the agency has achieved its objectives in the relevant year, against the measures for assessing performance set out in both the entity's corporate plan and its portfolio budget statements.

The Annual Performance Statements detail results achieved against the planned performance criteria set out in the 2016-17 NBA Portfolio Budget Statements, and the 2016-17 NBA Corporate Plan2.

In accordance with paragraph 17(2)(b) of the PGPA Rule, the NBA audit committee has reviewed the National Blood Authority's performance reporting through this annual performance statement and considers it appropriate in the context of transition to the full requirements of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework.

The role of the National Blood Authority is to:

  1. provide an adequate, safe, secure and affordable supply of blood products, blood related products and blood related services, and
  2. promote safe, high quality management and use of blood products, blood related products and blood related services in Australia.

The National Blood Authority represents the interests of the Australian and state and territory governments, and is established within the Australian Government's Health portfolio.

1 The enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, as relevant for the NBA, is set out in Part 2-3 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and Part 2-3 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2013, together with the following Resource Management Guides released in May 2017: RMG N0. 130 Enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, RMG No. 131 Developing good performance information, RMG No. 132 Corporate plans for Commonwealth entities, RMG No. 134 Annual Performance Statements for Commonwealth entities and RMG No. 136 Annual reports for Commonwealth entities (


Performance results

1. Providing a safe, secure and affordable supply of blood and blood products

The NBA worked with state and territory governments and suppliers so that requirements for day-to-day product supply and future demand were well managed. The nine year Deed of Agreement between the NBA on behalf of all governments and the Australian Red Cross Society for the provision of blood and blood products and services was implemented on 1 July 2016. Key reporting obligations have been met and a transition process put in place for the delivery against the National Service Requirements and Standards. Supply of blood and blood products has been uninterrupted with no periods of shortage. Demand for fresh blood products has decreased over 2016-17.

Performance criteria from Portfolio Budget Statements:

Qualitative Deliverable

2016-17 Reference Point or Target

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

New Australian Red Cross Blood Service contract arrangements are progressed.

The new Deed of Agreement with the Australian Red Cross Society is implemented from
1 July 2016.

The new Deed of Agreement was implemented and transition arrangements put in place for National Service Requirements and Standards.

Qualitative Indicator

2016-17 Reference Point or Target

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

Provision of an adequate, affordable and secure supply of blood and blood products.

Blood products are available to meet clinical need.

Blood and blood products available to meet clinical demand. There were no supply contingency events during the reporting period.

Quantitative Indicator

2015-16 Revised Budget

2016-17 Budget Target

2017-18 Forward Year 1

2018-19 Forward Year 2

2019-20 Forward Year 3

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

Variance between actual and NBA estimated demand for supply of products.






Variance between actual and NBA estimated demand for supply of products was -4.3%.

Performance Criteria Source: Portfolio Budget Statements, p.352

2. Improve risk management and blood sector performance

In 2016-17, the NBA undertook a number of initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the blood supply network. The NBA continued to implement the National Inventory Management Framework with health providers ensuring red blood cell stocks were managed in the most efficient manner and stock targets were appropriate to ensure minimal wastage. The NBA has further consolidated savings from the fourth year of implementing the national wastage reduction strategy, approved by Governments in 2013 with a savings of some $1.4 million in 2016-17.

Performance criteria from Portfolio Budget Statements:

Qualitative Indicator

2016-17 Reference Point or Target

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

New immunoglobulin (Ig) governance arrangements are implemented.

BloodSTAR is implemented by 30 June 2017 and supports all supply authorisations for Ig.

Most states and territories now 'live' in BloodSTAR.

Quantitative Indicator

2015-16 Revised Budget

2016-17 Budget Target

2017-18 Forward Year 1

2018-19 Forward Year 2

2019-20 Forward Year 3

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

Percentage of national blood supply processed by laboratories interfaced to BloodNet.






35 per cent of national blood supply processed by BloodNet interfaced laboratories.

Performance Criteria Source: Portfolio Budget Statements, p.352

3. Promote the safe and efficient use of blood and blood products

In 2016-17, the NBA managed the review of the Patient Blood Management (PBM) Guideline project with the aim of identifying a more sustainable methodology for reviewing and updating the guidelines.

The NBA also worked with jurisdictions and clinical stakeholders in the development of the National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy 2017-2021 which takes a patient-centred approach intended to optimise clinical outcomes and improve patient safety. This Strategy draws on the experiences and outcomes of the National Patient Blood Management Guidelines Implementation Strategy 2013-2017 and the National Blood Sector Education and Training Strategy 2013-2016.

In 2016-17, the NBA continued to develop materials that promote the safe and efficient use of products, informed by close engagement with clinicians. However, the NBA was unable to deliver the revision and publication of updated editions of the PBM Guidelines Modules nor develop a revised guideline for the use of Anti-D.1 These were unable to be finalised due to a revised project scope and extended stakeholder engagement processes.

In addition, the NBA continued to develop an expanded suite of tools to support health providers to implement the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard on Blood and Blood Products.2 The NBA published three tools in 2016-17 compared to the target of five. These included the peadiatric iron dose template, junior medical officer education toolkit and BloodSafe eLearning Obstetrics and Maternity Module. Two further tools were developed and these will be published in 2017-18.

1 Information on the use of Anti-D or Rh D immunoglobulin products is available at the NBA website.

2 Available at the Safety and Quality website.

Performance criteria from Portfolio Budget Statements:

Qualitative Indicator

2016-17 Reference Point or Target

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

National data strategy and National Patient Blood Management (PBM) Guidelines Implementation Strategy are progressed.

Performance scorecard and comparator benchmark data is published by 31 December each year. The standards and minimum data sets for blood sector data are developed by 30 June 2017.

Published the endorsed National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy 2017-2021.

Monthly wastage comparator benchmarks published with jurisdictions. Annual performance scorecards provided as part of the annual reporting.

Minimum data set and standards published for haemovigilance.

There is a robust framework supporting best practice management and use of blood and blood products.

A sustained improvement in the management and use of blood products.

A continued and sustained improvement in the management and use of blood products demonstrated by:

  • improved inventory management practices as part of the National Inventory Management Framework roll out
  • reduction in wastage of red blood cells was $1.4 million in 2016-17
  • reduction in product Discards as a Percentage of Net Issues (DAPI) fell from 2.8 per cent in 2015-16 to 2.3 per cent in 2016-17
  • demand for red blood cells continued to decline by 1.4 per cent in
    2016-17 over 2015-16, this now represents a total decrease of around 22 per cent since 2011-12.

Quantitative Indicator

2015-16 Revised Budget

2016-17 Budget Target

2017-18 Forward Year 1

2018-19 Forward Year 2

2019-20 Forward Year 3

2016-17 Results Against Performance Criteria

Number of clinical practice guidelines published.






No clinical guidelines published due to revised scope and extended stakeholder engagement processes.

Number of supporting clinical practice tools and resources made available.






5 (Five) made available of which three were published and two will be published in 2017-18.

Performance Criteria Source: Portfolio Budget Statements, p.353

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