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Data standards

Data standards should be revised and updated as haemovigilance matures in Australia. The ANHDD will be revised/reviewed in 2014–15, and published/distributed in 2015–16. The NBA will develop a set of other tools for hospitals from 2015–16 to assist with the application of the data dictionary and improve haemovigilance data collection and reporting. The haemovigilance report will continue to include donor vigilance data.

Table 20: Recommendations on data standards
  Recommendation Who is Responsible Proposed Strategy How that will be measured
6 Review and re‑develop the Australian National Haemovigilance Data Dictionary HAC; NBA

NBA to revise the ANHDD based on the NBA standard data element template

The HAC to review and endorse the revised data dictionary and definitions

NBA to publish and distribute the Dictionary

ANHDD revised/reviewed in 2014–15 and published/distributed in 2015–16
7 Provide tools for hospitals on the application of the Australian Haemovigilance Data Dictionary and reporting of haemovigilance data NBA; HAC; State and territory Quality and Safety Units; Hospital Administrators; state and territory departments of health NBA, assisted by states and territories, to develop and distribute tools to support hospitals for national haemovigilance reporting NBA to inform hospitals on the availability and use of tools

The following tools developed and used from 2014–15 to 2015‑16:

  • Haemovigilance data collection forms and guidance
  • The Guidance on Recognition and Management of Acute Transfusion-Related Adverse Events * National guidance for informed patient consent
  • Blood and blood product prescription form
  • Clinical audit tools
  • Transfusion related case studies
  • Educational and training tools

The number of public and private facilities submitting data to the National Haemovigilance Program increased

8 Continue to include donor vigilance data in national haemovigilance reporting Blood Service; NBA Blood Service to continue to improve the transparency of donor vigilance data

Donor vigilance data included in future national haemovigilance reports

The Blood Service publish and report on donor vigilance data regularly