3 Clinical guidance

This chapter provides clinical guidance in the form of recommendations (based on evidence) and practice points (based on CRG consensus). The guidance is organised around the six questions that formed the basis of the systematic review. Full details of the findings of the systematic review are given in the accompanying technical report.

The search terms did not specifically search for or limit retrieval of articles to studies that addressed socioeconomic, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander subgroups. However, the reviewers were required to isolate any papers addressing these populations for specific consideration by the CRG. No papers were identified that addressed these populations specifically. The experience of many clinicians working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities suggests a high rate of anaemia. This has particularly influenced their care of children and pregnant women. As has been noted in the past, there is a paucity of population evidence regarding the prevalence and aetiology of anaemia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. Given the burden of disease carried by these populations, research in this area is overdue and Aboriginal communities may wish to initiate research that could help ensure that the urgent need to provide high quality, targeted care is better informed.