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Performance Results

1. Provide a safe, secure and affordable supply of blood and blood related products and services

The NBA worked with State and Territory governments and suppliers so that requirements for day-to-day product supply and future demand were well managed. Supply of blood and blood products has been uninterrupted with no periods of shortage. Demand for red blood cells continued to decline in 2017-18.

Performance criteria:

Qualitative Deliverable
2017-18 Reference Point
or Target
2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Providing a safe, secure and affordable supply of blood and blood related products and services to ensure access best meets clinical need in Australia.

Finalise and implement national plasma fractionation contract arrangements for supply from 1 January 2018.

On 6 December 2017 the NBA executed a new nine year national contract with CSL Behring (Australia) Pty Ltd for the manufacture and supply of fractionated blood plasma products with effect from 1 January 2018.

Continue implementation of the Immunoglobulin (Ig) Governance Program.

Version 3 of the Criteria endorsed by JBC thus ensuring immunoglobulin (Ig) product use and management reflects appropriate clinical practice and efficient, effective and ethical expenditure of government funds.

Finalise and implement the revised National Blood Supply Contingency Plan.

A revised National Blood Supply Contingency Plan was endorsed by JBC in March 2018.

Implement the National Wastage Reduction Strategy.

Continued implementation of wastage target and performance reporting. The National Blood Product Management Improvement Strategy 2018-22 was endorsed by JBC with actions carried forward from the National Wastage Reduction Strategy 2013-17.

Blood products are available to meet clinical need.

Blood and blood products available to meet clinical demand. There were no contingency events during the reporting period.

Quantitative Indicator 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Budget Target 2018-19 Forward Year 1 2019-20 Forward Year 2 2020-21 Forward Year 2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Discards as a percentage of net issues of red blood cells.






Discards as a percentage of net issues of red blood cells was 2.2 per cent.

Variance between actual and NBA estimated demand for supply of products.

minus 4.3





Variance between actual and NBA estimated demand for supply of products was minus 5.1 per cent.

Performance Criteria Source: NBA Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p.13.Portfolio Budget Statements, p.348-350

2. Drive performance improvement in the Australian blood sector

In 2017-18 the NBA undertook a number of initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the blood supply network. The NBA has further consolidated savings from the fifth year of implementing the National Wastage Reduction Strategy, approved by Governments in 2013.

Performance criteria:

Qualitative Deliverable
2017-18 Reference Point
or Target
2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Driving performance improvement in the Australian blood sector through a national information management and data analysis capability.

Implement the revised National ICT Strategy.

Implement the revised National Data Strategy.

A National ICT and Data Strategy has been developed for endorsement by JBC in 2018-19.

Finalise the implementation of BloodNet interfaces with hospital laboratory information systems (LIS).

The NBA continued to work with key stakeholders to implement the BloodNet/LIS interfaces.

Establish immunoglobulin governance performance indicators and reporting.

The NBA worked with jurisdictions, expert groups and stakeholders in 2017-18 to identify and establish performance indicators and reporting.

National Data Strategy and National Patient Blood Management (PBM) Guidelines Implementation Strategy are progressed.

Performance scorecard and comparator benchmark data is published by 31 December each year.

Monthly wastage comparator benchmarks published with jurisdictions. Annual performance scorecards provided as part of annual reporting.

Quantitative Indicator 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Budget Target 2018-19 Forward Year 1 2019-20 Forward Year 2 2020-21 Forward Year 2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Percentage of national blood supply processed by laboratories interfaced to BloodNet.






37 per cent of laboratories interfaced with BloodNet.

Performance Criteria Source: NBA Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p.15. Portfolio Budget Statements, p.348-350

3. Promote a best practice model of management and use of blood and blood related products and services

In 2017-18 the NBA managed the review of the Patient Blood Management Guidelines project which will identify a more sustainable methodology for reviewing and updating the guidelines.

The NBA implemented the National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy 2017-2021 and published a case study on hospital acquired anaemia in 2017-18.

In 2017-18, the NBA continued to develop materials that promote the safe and efficient use of products, informed by close engagement with clinicians; however, the NBA was unable to deliver the revision and publication of updated editions of the PBM Guidelines Modules nor develop a revised guideline for the use of Anti-D. The guidelines were unable to be finalised due to a revised project scope for the PBM Guidelines development and stakeholder engagement processes.

In addition, the NBA continued to work with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) to develop resources for the implementation of the second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard on Blood and Blood Products now renamed Blood Management.

Performance criteria:

Qualitative Indicator
2017-18 Reference Point
or Target
2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Promoting a best practice model of management and use of blood and blood related products and services in Australia.

Develop and promote an expanded suite of tools to support health providers to implement the National Safety and Quality Health Service's Blood Standard.

Implement the revised Patient Blood Management Guidelines (PBM) Implementation Strategy.

Continue the review and revision of Criteria for access to immunoglobulin products under the national blood arrangements.

Revise and publish updated editions of the PBM Guidelines.

In 2017-18 the NBA scoped the requirements for a Training Needs Analysis to inform the next suite of education and training tools. The NBA worked collaboratively with the ACSQHC on the 2nd edition of the NSQHS Standards and guidance.

A work plan has been developed to be tabled at the next National Patient Blood Management Steering Committee meeting later in 2018.

Version 3 of the Criteria has been reviewed by key stakeholder groups and endorsed by JBC during 2017-18.

The enhanced PBM guidelines project outcomes developed in 2017-18 will be tabled with JBC in 2018-19.

There is a robust framework supporting best practice management and use of blood and blood products.

A sustained improvement in the management and use of blood products through:

  • improved inventory management practices as part of the National Inventory Management Framework (NIMF) rollout
  • continued reduction in wastage from the 2016-17 result
  • an improved delivery schedule for fresh products that reduces the number of orders placed by health providers
  • the number of clinical guidelines, clinical practice tools and resources that were developed and promoted for use within the sector.

A continued and sustained improvement in the management and use of blood products demonstrated by:

  • improved inventory management practices as part of the NIMF rollout and improved delivery schedule for fresh products that reduces the number of orders and deliveries for health providers
  • reduction in wastage of fresh blood products was $188,000 in 2017-18
  • reduction in Discards as a Percentage of Net Issues (DAPI) for red blood cells from 2.3 per cent in 2016-17 to 2.2 per cent in 2017-18
  • demand for red blood cells continued to decline by 0.9 per cent in 2017-18 over 2016-17, this now represents a total decrease of 23 per cent since 2011-12.

No clinical guidelines published due to the revised scope and extended stakeholder engagement processes.

Three tools and resources made available of which two were published and one will be published in 2018-19.

Performance Criteria Source: NBA Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p.17. Portfolio Budget Statements, p.348-350

4. Develop policy and provide policy advice on the sustainability of the blood sector

The NBA continues to work with state and territory governments and the Australian government providing advice and guidance in developing strategies to ensure the sustainability of the blood sector so that requirements for blood and blood products for product supply and future demand were well managed.

Performance criteria:

Qualitative Deliverable
2017-18 Reference Point
or Target
2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Output Based Funding Model (OBFM) with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service in place.

Set the agenda for the development of key parameters that underpin the fourth Australian Red Cross Blood Service OBFM.

The agenda set for the development of key parameters that underpin the fourth Australian Red Cross Blood Service OBFM.

The National Blood Authority provided advice to key stakeholders in

Support the development of JBC proposals to integrate blood arrangements into wider health sector reform.

The key parameters agreed by JBC in 2017-18 to inform the next cycle of the OBFM (2019-22).

Revised Version 3 of the Criteria for the appropriate use of immunoglobulin completed.

Version 3 of the Criteria developed.

Version 3 of the Criteria has been reviewed by key stakeholder groups and endorsed by JBC during 2017-18.

Performance Criteria Source: NBA Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p.18. Portfolio Budget Statements, p.348-350

5. The National Blood Authority is a high performing organisation

The NBA continues to develop capability across a broad range of business programs and activities. In 2017-18, the NBA continued to attract and retain high quality staff for the range of required disciplines across the agency, provided professional and personal development opportunities for staff, maintained strong internal and external relationships and began introducing electronic business processes to enhance performance, governance and compliance.

Performance criteria:

Qualitative Deliverable
2017-18 Reference Point
or Target
2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Implement an eLearning system for all NBA staff.

All annual APS mandatory learning and development modules can be completed online by NBA staff.

To be implemented in early 2018-19 reporting period to coincide with NBA Annual Performance and Development cycle.

Performance Criteria Source: NBA Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p.20

Quantitative Indicator 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Budget Target 2018-19 Forward Year 1 2019-20 Forward Year 2 2020-21 Forward Year 2017-18 Results Against Performance Criteria

Continue to be an employer of choice with a staff retention rate of >80 per cent.







Maintain a safe and healthy work environment with a reportable incident rate of < 1 per cent.







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