Criteria for the clinical use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Australia - Second Edition

Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms with descriptions
Term Description
Albumin The major protein in plasma that is important in maintaining blood volume.
Allogeneic blood The term allogeneic blood has exactly the same meaning as homologous blood.
Antibody A protein usually produced by the immune system (an immunoglobulin) and found in the response to the presence of antigens.
Antigen A substance that causes the formation of an antibody.
Apheresis A procedure in which blood is temporarily withdrawn, one or more components are selectively removed, and the remainder of the blood is re-infused into the donor.
Blood group Complex chemical substances found on or in the surface of red cells that distinguish each blood group. The two more important blood group systems in transfusion work are the ABO and Rh systems.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy An infection of the nervous system in cows. Also known as ‘mad cow’ disease.
Code of Good Manufacturing Practice A set of standards that provide assurance that a manufacturer has a quality system in place that meets the requirements for the product being made.
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease A central nervous system disease that causes pre-senile dementia, myoclonus, and distinctive electroencephalographic changes caused by a prion.
Cryoprecipitate A clotting factor preparation derived from plasma. Its main use is as a source of fibrinogen. It includes factor VIII and is used in the treatment of massive bleeding.
Cytomegalovirus A common virus that causes an illness similar to glandular fever.
Factor VIII Clotting factor — absent in haemophilia A.
Factor IX Clotting factor — absent in haemophilia B (also known as Christmas disease).
Fractionation The separation of a substance into its basic constituents.
Haemophilia An hereditary or acquired deficiency of a clotting factor(s) in blood.
Hepatitis B Viral disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus.
Hepatitis C Viral disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus.
Homologous blood Blood donation given for transfusion to an unknown recipient.
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 A virus associated with adult T-cell leukaemia
Hyper immune globulins Immunoglobulin products prepared from the plasma of donors with high concentrations of specific antibodies.
Immunoglobulins Proteins that combat infection.
Intramuscular immunoglobulin A normal human immunoglobulin preparation designed for intramuscular administration.
Intravenous immunoglobulin A normal human immunoglobulin preparation designed for intravenous administration.
Meta-analysis Statistical methods used to combine the results of different studies.
Nucleic acid amplification testing Highly sensitive method for detecting and identifying minute amounts of genetic material.
Off-label use Use of a therapeutic agent to treat conditions for which the relevant regulatory authority (e.g. the Therapeutic Goods Administration) has not registered its use.
Pathogen Disease-causing agent.
Plasma Liquid portion of blood that contains proteins.
Plasmapheresis Automated procedure for removing whole blood from the donor, separating out and retaining the plasma, and returning remaining components to the donor.
Prophylaxis The prevention of disease; preventive treatment.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy A group of transmissible infections of the nervous system caused by a prion, including CJD.
Variant CJD A form of Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease thought to be caused by eating beef infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease.