Corporate governance
The NBA is a statutory body and portfolio agency of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Our funding comes from the Australian, state and territory governments. The Australian Government provides 63%, and the states and territories provide 37%.
The NBA has a range of corporate and compliance responsibilities under the National Blood Authority Act 2003 (Cth) (NBA Act), the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth) and the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth).
The NBA Chief Executive is a statutory officer responsible to the Australian Government Minister for Health and Aged Care.
Our corporate plan guides our activities. We report our achievements against the plan's goals in our annual report.
National blood sector arrangements
The key governing arrangements in the Australian blood sector are set out in the National Blood Agreement and the NBA Act.
The agreement outlines the:
- nationally agreed objectives of governments for the blood sector
- governance arrangements for the sector
- administrative arrangements for the management of the national blood supply
- financial arrangements for the national blood supply.
Jurisdictional Blood Committee
The Jurisdictional Blood Committee (JBC)(Opens in a new tab/window) was created under the National Blood Agreement in 2003.
The JBC members are senior representatives of the Australian, state and territory governments. They represent the governments' positions on issues related to the national blood supply.
The JBC is also responsible for:
- advising the NBA on matters related to the national blood supply, policy, and contracts
- referring proposed changes to the national blood supply for evidence-based evaluation.
The JBC is key to coordinating the annual National Supply Plan and Budget (NSP&B). The NSP&B forecasts the volumes and types of products required from suppliers to meet clinical demand.
The NSP&B is developed collaboratively by all governments and approved by all health ministers.
Find out more about how we manage the national blood supply.
To find out more about the JBC, email
NBA Board
The Board was established under the NBA Act. It looks at strategic blood sector issues and advises the Chief Executive about the discharge of the NBA’s functions. It's not a decision-making body and has no formal or direct role in the NBA's governance or day-to-day management.
NBA Audit and Risk Committee
The NBA Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) oversees audit and fraud control activities within the National Blood Authority (NBA).
Peter Lewinsky was appointed as Board representative member of the Audit and Risk Committee in February 2025.
Mr Lewinsky brings over 30 years of leadership experience as Chair and member of Boards and Audit and Risk committees across the private sector, ASX-listed and private companies, government organisations, and not-for-profits. Mr Lewinsky is serving on the following governance committees:
- Chair of Risk & Audit Committee, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Victoria
- Chair of Audit & Risk Committee, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, Victoria
- Deputy Chair of the Integrity Committee, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, Victoria
- Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Labour Hire Authority, Victoria
- Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Essential Services Commission, Victoria
- Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Environment, Planning and Strategic Development Directorate, ACT
- Chair of Risk and Audit Committee and the Technology Working Group, Environment Protection Authority, Victoria
Mr Lewinsky provides strategic guidance on governance, financial management, stakeholder engagement, and government relations. He has advised companies and government bodies on governance structures, audit committees and compliance frameworks. Mr Lewinsky expertise extends to financial oversight, project management, organisational reviews, and procurement processes.
Statutory committees
The NBA Chief Executive has established 4 committees under section 38 of the NBA Act. They provide advice and help the NBA perform its functions.
National Immunoglobulin Governance Advisory Committee
This statutory committee provides clinical expertise and advice to the National Immunoglobulin (Ig) Governance Program. It helps us ensure that access to government-funded Ig is fair and equitable.
Its members represent key stakeholders from different clinical disciplines, organisations and jurisdictions.
Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry Steering Committee
The ABDR Steering Committee gives the NBA advice on the governance and use of the Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry. The registry is key to our role in collecting information about bleeding disorders.
Members are involved in clinical management, advocacy, and funding of treatment for people with bleeding disorders.
Patient Blood Management Advisory Committee
The Patient Blood Management Advisory Committee provides the NBA with advice and guidance about implementing patient blood management in Australia. A key role of this committee is to support the development of the National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy.
Its members have expertise and knowledge in the health sector, blood management, education, quality and safety, and consumer issues.
Haemovigilance Advisory Committee
This committee gives the NBA guidance on adverse event reporting originating from health service organisations. It also helps us determine national transfusion safety priorities and develop and implement a strategic framework.
Its members have expertise and knowledge in the health sector, blood management, quality and safety, and consumer issues.
Our collaborators
We work with governments, suppliers, patients, clinicians and many other stakeholders and partners to ensure the safe, secure and affordable supply of blood and blood products to meet clinical demand.
We have contracts with several suppliers of blood and blood products. These include Australian Red Cross Lifeblood(Opens in a new tab/window) and CSL Behring(Opens in a new tab/window), as well as international suppliers of immunoglobulin, clotting factor, and plasma and recombinant products.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)(Opens in a new tab/window) regulates blood and blood products in Australia under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth)(Opens in a new tab/window). It ensures manufacturers meet Australia's manufacturing and product standards.
We work closely with several internal and external committees and working groups. These help us inform policy and operational decisions for the Australian blood sector and the wider healthcare industry.
- Advisory Group for the Review of the Authorisation and Clinical Governance Framework for Intravenous Immunoglobulin
- Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry Stakeholder Group
- Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation
- Complex Patient Advisory Group
- Inventory Management Working Group
- National IVIg Criteria Review Working Group
- Schedule 4 and Multi-criteria Analysis/Health Technology Assessment Working Group.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about the governance of the NBA, please contact us.
Last updated: 27 Mar 2024